Thursday, December 08, 2005

Week 10, to Bryan:

Sorry it took me a little longer to get these comments up.

Good work this week. I'm actually glad that you and KM both did work in Weight of the World while I did the culture chapter in Global Tranformations, because that means we got more out of the research this week... hopefully.

I totally agree with what you pulled from the book about the influence of media on public perceptions of gangs and violent behaviors. The glorification in the media can only make the situation on the group for the urban poor (as you shared in your personal story about your friend) harder than it already is to avoid being sucked into the gang lifestyle.

I think that your insights along those lines, as well as what you said about journalistic standards as they apply to how stories get told (in whose words?) and which stories get told, are all good things you should include in the wiki in some way. I also hear what you are saying about how Jesus followers, particularly those who may be listening to what we are saying about media and culture, need to be concernced not only with media and media-related issues, but need to not neglect caring for the poor in real, tanglible ways. We can boycott shows or fight for better standards on TV, but if we don't do anything to help the situation on the group for the urban poor--or any other poor for that matter--it won't count for much more than a hill of beans.


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